Transparent, UV-resistant, two-component epoxy binder for stone carpets

product_code: QCF


Two-component, transparent, UV-resistant, epoxy bonding binder for mixing with natural colored and stained stones to make stone carpets. The product is solvent-free, high in solids, forms a water-impermeable layer on the stones, with excellent UV, chemical and mechanical resistance.

QCF 2K Epoxy Binder 10.05 kg  Transperent
QCF Hardener 4.95 kg
QCF 2K Epoxy Binder 3.35 kg
QCF Hardener 1.65 kg


General Use

REAL RESIN QFC, It is a two-component, solvent-free epoxy based, low viscosity stone binder material

Tecnical Specification

Appearance: Full gloss
Colour: Transparent
Density: (gr./ml 20ºC) 1.10 ± 0,05
Mixing Ratio (by Weight) A component 67 unit
Mixing Ratio (by Weight) B component 67 unit
Solids by weight (w/w) % 98 ± 2
Application Method trowel and polish
Mixture Life: (20ºC) 20-25 min. Full Curing (day/20°C) 4-10 day
Flexural Strength: (7 day) 30 N/mm2 (TS EN 196-1)
Compressive Strength (7 day) 75 N/mm2 (TS EN 196-1)
Shore D Hardness: (7 day) 83
Thermal Resistance Continuous: +50°C the most 7 day: +80°C