High coverage white primer - Lux Primer

product_code: 3509-2150-08-00001/2.5 л , 3509-2150-02-00001/15 л


High-coverage fine white primer for smooth surfaces. It is used on paste-like ground coat surfaces and plasterboard before application of acrylic and silicone latexes. Creates a fine surface for applying latex such as Betek Satin, Beteksil, Betek Max, for which the brightness and texture of the primer is of great importance.



Betek Lux Primer increases the coating ability of the finishing coat and enables it to better stick on the surface. Creates an ideal application surface for water-based paints that gloss and texture are important such as Betek Satin, Betek Sil and Betek Max since it is a thin-layer primer. Decreases paint consumption by reducing the absorption of the surface. Enables paint and time saving while changing the color of the surface. Minimizes basic-alkali effects. Does not prevent breathability of the surfaces. Provides saving in both time and labor.


Betek Lux Primer applicable on concrete, exposed concrete, rough-cast surfaces, MDF, precast concrete panels, OSB, brick, self -supporting old-paint (water-solvent based), and surfaces to which putty has been applied.

DURABILITY TIME (at 20 ° C, 65% relative humidity):

Dryness of touch: 1-2  hours
Interlace between layers: 6 hours
Final drying: 24 hours (drying time may be longer at higher relative humidity and lower temperatures)


10-15 m2 single coat per liter depending on the type, degree of absorption, and the structure of the surface on which it is applied. Perform a test plot to accurately calculate the cost.


It can be stored unpacked in its own packaging for 3 years in a cool, dry environment protected from frost and direct sunlight. Close the container hermetically as soon as it is applied.


2,5 l, 15 l