Temperature-resistant coating paint - BK-ThermoStabil

product_code: 12941/650 мл


Temperature-resistant paint coating to protect materials permanently exposed to temperatures up to 600 ° C. Used for boilers, stoves, exhaust pipes, radiators, power lines and other places exposed to constant temperature. If necessary, dilute with a nitrocellulose diluent BKNitroExtra.



Thermostable coating resistant to temperatures up to 600°C made on the basis of synthetic resins and solvents. It is used for boilers, stovepipes, stoves, radiators, power lines, car exhausts and the like.


Before use it is necessary to mix the material well first and if needed thin it using the BKNitro Extra solvent. The coverage capacity drops proportionally to the used quantity of solvent. Applied with brush, roller or gun in 1-2 layers. Application temperature is from 8 °C to +35 °C. Drying time is 1h. The optimum operating temperature is between 15 and 25 °C and relative humidity below 80%. It is not recommended to work at a temperature below 5 °C. Do not work in direct sunlight, rain, heavy wind and r.h. greater than 80%.


Approximate cost: 100-125 ml / m²


Use skin and eye protection. Keep the product away from heat and ignition sources. Do not use tools that create sparks. It is forbidden to drink, eat, and smoke when handling this chemical. When handling the product indoors, an effective local ventilation should be provided.Store the product in the original packaging at temperatures between + 5 °C and + 25 °C away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Shelf life: 48 months


750 ml