Ultra-washable, high opacity, matt and extra white - Perfectum cartongesso

product_code: 21000200L00B0/3 л, 21000200L0027/5 л, 21009003L0058/2.88 л, 21009003L00I2/4.80 л, 21009005L0061/2.79 л, 21009005L00I1/4.65 л


Perfectum cartongesso mitigates and conceals fillings and joints thanks to its high filling power. Excellent for plasterboard, in most cases it covers the surface with a single coat and without fixative. A ready-for-use, single-coat product that helps to

21000200L00B0 PERFECTUM CARTONGESSO - White / Base P Pastel ULTRA   WASHABLE   Class 2 3 lt
21000200L0027 5 lt
21009003L0058 PERFECTUM CARTONGESSO - Base M Medium 2.88 lt
21009003L00I2 4.80 lt
21009005L0061 PERFECTUM CARTONGESSO - Base TR Transparent 2.79 lt
21009005L00I1 4.65 lt