Breathable waterborne paint for interiors, easy to apply and with high whiteness - Idronova

product_code: 21200200L0027/5 л, 21200200L0034/14 л, 21209001L0027/5 л, 21209003L00I2/4.8 л


Breathable waterborne paint for interiors boasting excellent washability. Easy to apply, it reaches a high whiteness and ensured excellent opacity. The excellent price-quality ratio, fair washability and excellent expandability make this product the ideal

21200200L0027 IDRONOVA - White Breathable/ Washable   Class 4 5 lt
21200200L0034 14 lt
21209001L0027 IDRONOVA - Base P Pastel 5 lt
21209003L00I2 IDRONOVA - Base M Medium 4.8 lt