Deep penetrating colorless primer - Gel Primer

product_code: 3509-2192-08-00001/2.5 л, 3509-2192-02-00001/15 л


Deep penetrating colorless primer, enhances latex adhesion to the surface. Allows the upper latex layer to penetrate more easily. Prevents premature drying, especially in hot weather, reduces consumption, preventing surface absorption. It does not flow, spreads evenly, quickly and easily, it can be applied both on ceilings and on walls.



Betek Gel Primer is an emulsion-based latex copolymer primer ready to use, transparent, designed to provide solutions to problems encountered when applying latex with traditional primers, preventing the high absorption of latex surfaces.


Betek Gel Primer is used for priming highly absorbent and / or highly dust-generating surfaces such as coated, low-quality absorbent surfaces and aerated concrete before applying acrylic or silicone latex.Ready for use.

DURABILITY TIME (at 20 ° C, 65% relative humidity)

Dryness of touch 20 minutes

Interlace between layers: 4-6 hours
Final drying: 24 hours (drying time may be longer at higher relative humidity and lower temperatures)


15-20 m2 single coat per liter depending on the type, degree of absorption, and the structure of the surface on which it is applied. Perform a test plot to accurately calculate the cost.


It can be stored unpacked in its own packaging for 3 years in a cool, dry environment protected from frost and direct sunlight. Close the container hermetically as soon as it is applied.


2,5 l, 15 l